Saturday, April 26, 2008

Rock Band

So I've been playing Rock Band a fair amount over break so my break is going according to plan. The thing is is that using the rock band guitar for days has given me a deep-seeded anger regarding it's strum bar. So I put together an e-mail for the fine folks at Harmonix that I thought I'd share.

Dear Harmonix,

I would like to start this email by first of all congratulating you on making one of the funnest games I've played in some time. That being said I've noticed a slight design flaw in the guitars that you ship standard with the Rock Band package. It would appear that you've been building your guitars out of feces. Now I understand where your designers are coming from, we're in a recession and it's understandable that human waste is pretty cheap and easy to come by. I will admit that it is a bold move against the conventional wood/carbon composite/metal/plastic design of a guitar and I admire your willingness to take a creative view on things. That being said, fecal matter just doesn't work well as a musical instrument. It makes for a shitty strum bar and crappy fret buttons, no pun intended of course. Really I was surprised how this guitar, which looks so snazzy, could stink so bad that I'd begin to miss my squeaky Fisher-Price toy SG Guitar from the Playstation 2 days. Once again I don't mean this to be offensive in anyway, I'm just providing some creative input for your next guitar design. Perhaps make it out of plastic or maybe even metal, that'd be worth a buy even if it were a bit on the expensive side. Really, most things would do a good job, you know, besides crap.

Yours Truly,

I really hope they don't take it the wrong way.

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